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HUMAN in community


We are sold the illusion that we exist and can do everything ourselves. Neurobiology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc. tell us otherwise. We are literally wired to connect and this affects our overall mental, emotional and even physical well-being.


So why are we running to grow apart? We have evolved to the point where we no longer need community to protect us and keep us alive, so we need to find another reason for it to exist. We need a community to build and sustain something else, and that is the human in us, the part of us that strives for self-realization and meaning in life. And we can only do all this if we are in a relationship with another human being, because serving only ourselves leads to isolation and loneliness.


When a community helps us connect with each other to grow as human beings and find meaning in our lives, we will see that we feel a positive dependence on the community and have a need and purpose for that community to exist.


Apart from working for our local communities, there is an interesting phenomenon in our world that has never existed before, and that is the existence of a global community. There is no way to turn back the clock and make everything the way it used to be, but it is best to accept what is happening and learn from it.


The existence of a global community does not necessarily mean that we have to interact with every person in the world, but rather that we have to observe and learn from the phenomena that are happening. What we see is that we are all interconnected and that there is no part of the world that does not affect another part and that there is no place to run and hide. Our perception of life and the people around us needs to change in exactly this direction. We need to become more aware that we are all interconnected and affect each other in many ways and that there is no way to exclude ourselves.


We need to realize that our individual happiness and that of our family depends on the environment and community that surrounds us (be it local or global). So if we want to live a fulfilling life, we cannot act directly on ourselves, but we must first act on others, who will then surround us with safety and create an environment that fulfills us.

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