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Tools for growing a HUMAN

Integration-Processing Framework (IPF)

Informed by social, technological, and educational innovation, the latest findings in educational sciences, management and positive psychology, and research on phenomena of modern global society and the needs of today’s generation, we have developed a unique integration-processing framework for education and community building.

The integration-processing framework sees each individual as an independent, unique unit, but at the same time as part of the larger whole of interconnected and interdependent members of a community. Here, the key determining factor of a person’s happiness, health, and integrity is the quality of his or her relationship with the immediate and extended community he or she lives in.​​

Methods and principles stemming from the integration-processing framework allow individuals to build relationships in which they are successfully integrated in their immediate and extended community, without compromising or suppressing their uniqueness, individuality and integrity. On the contrary – after completing our process workshops, participants usually feel a sense of deeper purpose in their lives, as well as a sense of security, confidence and personal satisfaction.

Workshoping for HUMANS    


The workshops we offer can be used at home, at school, in companies or in any other place where we need a tool for decision-making and redevelopment.

Using insights from psychology, sociology, the science of collective intelligence and systems theory, we have developed a set of tools that will enable you to solve any problem, struggle or conflict in a group or couple.

The workshops are not about finding solutions through debates or compromises, but we learn how to build a common field between us, which on the one hand consists of the uniqueness of each individual, and on the other hand is a common entity that does not belong to anyone individually. It is precisely from this new "thing" which did not exist before in any of us individually, but belongs to all of us, that the best ideas and innovations can emerge.


Finding HUMAN purpose


What is it that gets us out of bed in the morning? Is it the goal of becoming rich, being loved, buying a house, becoming a singer? Have you ever been in a situation where you achieved all that and then…? nothing happened. For a while it feels good, but soon there's that itch inside you that just will not go away. Everything loses its taste, and in this day and age, things lose their taste very quickly.

Are we spoiled? We think we are not.

We are in a stage of development where we need to answer the question of our meaning in order to have a desire to live. And we can find that answer in the connection between us. When we find an inner voice that tells us how I can benefit others through my unique qualities and actions, that is exactly what we need to grow within ourselves. As we learn to observe ourselves "from the side" and learn how to build meaningful relationships with others, that inner voice becomes clearer and clearer, and through that we find a reason to get up in the morning.


Life as a story, HUMAN as a hero


The narrative you play in your head about how relationships, parenting, business, and life in general work is a story you were told growing up. Conversations we have, social media we follow, art we engage with, songs that move us to tears - these are all stories we tell or stories we hear. We are all storytellers.

The question is, what kind of stories do we want to live by?

Can we change the story of our lives? Or has the story already been written for us and we are just a character in it…? First and foremost, we need to understand all the stories we are already living by and learn how those stories came to be and in what ways they have shaped us. We also need to incorporate the new laws of the networked world that are being imposed on us from all sides. In light of this, we must realise that the only hero in today's world in every aspect of our lives is the fulfilling relationship between people. This is the only hero that must change and develop and will overcome all obstacles. If we all focus on this hero, there is a good chance that our story will have a happy ending.


Games are for kids, NOT


Game is a very serious thing. If you play just for fun, you are a child, but if you play to learn something difficult, you are an adult. No matter how you turn it, life forces you to play the game of emotions, fear, joy, sadness, anger, losing and winning. In our education, playing games takes a very important place.

By playing games, we bypass our mind, which sometimes hinders us from having new emotional learning experiences.

Games help us have these new emotional experiences

through which we learn how relationships and contentedness

shape our lives. The mind helps us analyze and organize these

processes we have gone through. In short, when we play games,

we can unlearn in a short time the things that prevent us from moving forward and learn new patterns of behavior.





Emotional culture for a HUMAN


People get their values, perspectives, and general outlook on life from other people. It is what it is and there is no way to run away from it, we are very sorry.

There is no such thing as independence, and if you look closely at the problems of today's world, such as the environmental crisis, economic interdependence, social media, etc., it becomes clear that we are undoubtedly interconnected.

So if we depend on people and the environment shapes us, why would not we use that information? Emotional culture is something that is thoroughly prepared for what kind of atmosphere we aim for our group (business group, class, family, training participants, etc.) to strive in and how we want them to feel and communicate. Each individual feels responsible for the whole group, but in return they also get the feeling that the whole group is responsible for them. In such an atmosphere, success is undeniable.



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